When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Contrary to common belief, “buying” or even an intention to buy isn’t what drives most searches. “Information” is what’s most sought. What that means for a business is that focusing only on products and services can mean you miss out an opportunity to reach a significant portion of the online audience — An audience that may not even be aware they need your products or services. This is a target group that can retain your brand message, can spread your word, and can someday turn into a customer. Articles are a powerful medium of reaching this target group.
For it to be meaningful and effective, the articles you publish need to be original, high quality and engaging. They need to compel the reader to seek more information, contact you, or at least share the article within social circles.
In other words, keyword-stuffed, so-called “SEO articles” are no longer effective. What most clients don’t realize at first is that even if these SEO articles were to rank in search results, it would read clumsy, be uninteresting, not provide insightful informative… and by extension it won’t engage your visitors. Every visitor that leaves your site dissatisfied, within moments of visiting, it sends a signal to the search engine that the page wasn’t useful. In the long run, this only hurts your website.
Writing a genuine engaging, informative and high quality article calls for research, writing skill and involvement. It is time consuming, difficult and downright monotonous at times. Businesses have their hands full with other priorities. High quality article writing can cost businesses time that they don’t have. As a result, it either gets ignored completely, or some low-cost ‘SEO writing’ gets commissioned that can cost businesses dearly in the long run.
At Customized Write, we understand how mundane and tiresome marketing can be. We also understand that ‘cheap’ doesn’t work. We know that quality matters more than quantity — and yet, we are all about providing value for money!
Customized Write understands the demands on business owners. We strive to provide businesses with the communication channel that will go beyond the keyword-stuffed SEO articles. After due research, we write unique articles, with fresh creative content, customized to your business needs.
We write articles that will do much more than increase traffic and ranks for your website.
With Customized Write, you can be as involved or as delegating as you like. We welcome any thoughts, ideas, and insights to help your website achieve success. Likewise, we will be happy to suggest ideas, topics, and themes and welcome any approaches your articles and content could take.
If you know that you need content but are not sure where to start, feel free to contact us for a “Customized” quote – We “Customize Write” for you! With our content writing services you can be sure that you’re content with your content.